Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Two Sides of Vegas

My husband and I recently visited Las Vegas, we witnessed two distinct sides of Vegas.

On the Strip

Visiting the famous 'strip' of Vegas was an experience that I can never forget! It is a stretch of hotels and restaurants that have bars and casinos. We began our exploration by parking our car at a nearby mall and walking from one end to the other end of the strip. The most crowded part of the strip started from the hotel 'Treasure Island' and ended at Mandala Bay'.

We got to see street performers, various characters, celebrity look-alikes, and many different kinds of people. As we strolled away on the street, I was wondering how the strip developed into the way it did. How did it get the connotation that it now has- as being a landmark of 'everything possible that can happen will happen'. It is funny how places develop images in peoples' minds and feelings get associated with them. For me, the feelings for the strip were of amusement and joy - a lively place. 

Off the Strip

We literally witnessed three weddings while we were in Vegas- from our hotel room, that is. The outskirts of Las Vegas are absolutely stunning! We enjoyed mountainous views and scenic drives as we drove around Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder city.

Boulder city is known for Hoover Dam, located at the cusp of Nevada and Arizona. It is a product of extravagant enginnering and it helps with electricity, flood control and much more! 

There are many other interesting places that we visited in Vegas. For now though, an introduction to the infamous city is appropriately enough. Stay tuned for more pictures and thoughts about my trip to the great Grand Canyon! 


  1. Vegas hosts the most weddings per year in the world ! #truefact
    Rome hosts the most wedding proposals per year in the world ! #madeupfact #mightbetrue
    Paris host the most honeymoon visits per year in the world ! #thisdefmustbetrue #whatyousay? :p

  2. Very interesting! Houston hosts the most wedding guests per year in the world! #madeupfacttomakeyoucomehere
