If you are looking for a quick and easy painting, then this is for you! You need a canvas of any size, two or three of your favorite acrylic colors, and a mop paintbrush. This is a very simple project, so I don't think I need to go into details. Although, before your move on to the steps, you may want to paint a base coat of a neutral color such as orange or peach.
Let's begin!
First, add blobs of your favorite colors in the four corners and in the center like so:

Let's begin!
First, add blobs of your favorite colors in the four corners and in the center like so:

Then, starting with one of the corners, take your paintbrush and paint in circular motions making spirals in any whichever direction you want (i.e. horizontal, diagonal):
Finally, paint the edges and let it dry. You will end up with a nice showcase of paint strokes. I absolutely love the thick paint sticking out in paintings. This happens when you take generous amounts of paint. (Note: you can sprinkle glitter on the painting while it is still wet to add a sparkly effect)
Ta da! Done in three simple steps:
This is going to go on my washroom wall, but you can add it to any room you want! Be sure to try bright colors, contrasts, shades, etc.!
Sometimes the least effort transforms into pretty neat results :)